Join us in transforming lives through education. With your support, FVCC students are empowered to earn college degrees and certificates, paving the way for successful careers and bright futures.
Philanthropy and education have been lifelong values for my family. I trust FVCC to help me achieve my philanthropic goals and see the impact I make on students’ lives. I am proud to support FVCC and leave a legacy of education for our community.

As a surgeon at Logan Health, I see the need for well-trained healthcare professionals in our community. By supporting the college and taking advantage of the Montana Endowment Tax Credit, I'm ensuring students have the tools they need to enter the workforce and make an impact.

My father spent his life as a grading contractor, and I wanted to honor his legacy by helping students pursue careers in this field. By establishing the Walter Kuhn Sr. Memorial endowed scholarship, I'm supporting a lifetime of heavy equipment operators who will build the infrastructure that keeps our community strong.

Thank you to our donors
The Honor Roll of Donors includes donors who have contributed from January 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024.
The Legacy Circle is composed of friends who have remembered FVCC through the establishment of an endowment fund, bequest or other planned gift–establishing a lasting legacy.
- American Association of University Women Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Dr. George Antunes
- Rich Baars Trades Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Sandy Slater and Greg Bancroft Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Kathy and Greg Barkus
- Ervin and Marie Bauer Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The Beyer Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Bigfork Fire District – Ralph Barton Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Founding President Dr. Larry J. Blake, Sr., Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Kim and Mick Blodnick
- William M. Boehme, M.D.
- Edward L. and Mabel Engene Bogut Endowed Scholarship Fund
- James Bonnet, M.D.
- Bonnet-Robbins Endowed Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Barbara Boorman
- John Bowdish
- Jerome and Rebecca Broussard Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Brent Buchele, M.D.
- The Mary Grace Houlberg Certainty Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Theodore Chase Honors Symposium Endowment Fund
- Constance Gregory Cohen Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Community Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Cox Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Steve and Sue Cummings Endowed Scholarship Fund
- James and Doris Monk Daley Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Candice Thornton Day
- Diamond Marketing, Inc./Diamond Auto Glass
- Diogenes Award Endowment Fund
- Selma Dodge Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Ila B. Dousman Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Rose and James Ennis Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Mary Fetter Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Flathead County Tavern Association Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Flathead Valley Community College Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Flathead Valley Community College Theatre Endowment Fund
- Marion Foley
- Doris C. Forkin Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Kathy and Marshall Friedman
- Linnea Ghilardi and Steve Armstrong Endowed Scholarship for Medical Professions
- Mary and Harry Gibson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Glacier Bank Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Shelly Gonzales
- Jim Gordley Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Lawrence A. Goroski Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Eugene E. and Barbara P. Graf Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The Leonard M. Greene Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Helen, Henry, and Joyce Greve Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Ora and Stanley Halvorson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Ella Hanley and Jacobson Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Fay Harwood
- John J. and Mary Hansen Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Philip A. and Bonnie J. Henault Vocational Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Thelma Hetland
- Mark Hodgson and Dorothy Jaquette Hodgson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Honoring Excellence in Teaching Arman Goplen Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Marjory and Alvin Jacobson Memorial Art Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Charles M. and Henrietta M. Jarecki Endowment Fund for Student Loan Repayment
- Jane Karas Excellence Endowment Fund
- Charlotte Kempf Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- M. E. K. Johnson Endowment for Surgical Technology
- Paula Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Rita Johnson Endowment Fund for Nursing Students
- Junkermier, Clark, Campanella, and Stevens
- Melissa and Pierre Kaptanian
- Nan and Dave Klehm Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Mary E. Knotts Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Konsberg Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Walter Kuhn Sr., Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Robert and Mary Lacy Scholarship Trust
- Ellen H. Laidlaw Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Lil and Jim Laidlaw
- Marcia and Tom Laux
- Cindy and Jeff Lewis
- C. K. Logue Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Karen Longhart Memorial Mathematics Education Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Robert Lopp Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Joyce and Gilbert Lynch Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Ellen and John MacMillan Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Kennen David Marksbury Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Mattson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Walt and Mary Louise Mauritson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Bill and Lois McClaren Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Jerry Meerkatz Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Jerry and Rhona Meislik Endowment Fund
- Perry and Luella Melton and Stephen F. Hagel Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Kathryn and Chuck Mercord
- Mercord Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Mercord Family Scholars Program Endowment Fund
- Meredith Construction Co. Endowment for Building and Construction Trades
- Curtis and Evelyn Mitchell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Mary Alice and Michael Moffitt
- Doug and Patsi Morton Endowment Fund
- Paul Boe Mosby Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Sylvia Brassett Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Bob Nystuen Glacier Bank Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Marian F. and Ivan L. O’Neil Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Terri Parsons Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Patyk Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Robert Peccia & Associates Endowed Scholarship Fund for Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Students
- Thomas C. Perry Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Dustin Petersen Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Debbie and Jim Peterson Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Amy Gordley Piunti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Red Lion Hotels Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Rhoades Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Mel Ruder – Ruder Educational Endowment Fund
- Running Start Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Christopher Savage Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Scholarship for Higher Education Endowment Fund
- Serving Those Who Served – FVCC Veterans’ Association Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Everit and Nikki Sliter Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Ralene Sliter Student Success Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Sliters Lumber and Building Supply Endowed Scholarship Fund for the Industrial Arts
- Ned Sohl Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Sons of Norway of Kalispell, Montana Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Owen E. Sowerwine, Alton Pearce, and Milton Mercord Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Dr. Charles E. and Lottie (Hartsoch) Stewart Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Joe and Ellie Stimpson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Lisa and Al Stinson – Stinson Family Foundation
- Stockman Bank Advancement Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Robbie Sullivan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Sullivan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Cal Tassinari/Flathead Land Trust Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Breonna Taylor Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Mary Treloar Endowed Scholarship Fund
- TRIO Employee Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Karen and Mark Tuttle
- Dick Uhde Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Colleen Sweeney Unterreiner Endowed Scholarship Fund
- James Andrew Vale Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Scott Vallely Soldiers Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Paul D. Wachholz
- Paul D. Wachholz Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Holly Jean Larson and Bernard Walz Music Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Fay and Thain White Endowment Fund
- Patricia D. McMillan White Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Whitefish Mountain Resort Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Suzy and Paul Williams
- Paul T. Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Windmill Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
Donors who have given $5,000 or more between January 1, 2023-April 1, 2024, along with all donors who have given $50,000 or more in their lifetime.
- George Antunes
- Applied Materials
- Steve Armstrong
- Carol and Richard Atkinson
- Laura G. Barrett Endowment
- David and Sandy Berman
- Bibler Foundation Inc.
- Bigfork Fire District
- Bish’s RV
- Margaret and Larry Blake, Jr.
- The Bloom Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
- William M. Boehme, MD
- James Bonnet, MD
- Patty and Chris Brennan
- Beth Lendrum and Jerome Broussard
- The Broussard Family Charitable Foundation
- Brent Buchele, MD
- Susan and Randall Chesler
- Chevron Matching Employee Funds
- Marie and Brian Clark
- Janet and Butch Clark
- Rennie Corrigan
- John and Elaine Cowan Trust
- Sue Cummings
- Cushing Terrell
- The Daily Inter Lake
- Margaret S. Davis and Bruce L. Ennis
- Delta Air Lines Foundation
- Julie Devine
- Maria Drey and Tom Hughes
- Lynn and Bennett Dykstra
- EMC Insurance
- Eaves Family Foundation – Hayden Eaves
- First Interstate BancSystem Foundation
- First Interstate Bank
- Floyd Foundation – Ladeine and Ray Thompson
- Gentry North Forty Resort – Kirk Gentry
- Glacier Bancorp, Inc.
- Glacier Bank
- Great Falls Clinic Hospital
- Green Diamond Resource Company
- Gene Haas Foundation
- Hammer Nutrition
- Karen and William Harrison
- Susan and Dallas Herron
- James Hollensteiner
- James & Wanda Hollensteiner Foundation
- Donna and John Holmstul
- Marisa and Matt Hoyne
- Jarecki Charitable Foundation Trust – Penny and Chuck Jarecki
- Barbara Jefts and Dave Haymond
- Ann Johnson and Marise Johnson
- Stephen Johnson
- Christopher Douglas Jones Memorial Fund
- Jordahl and Sliter
- Melissa and Pierre Kaptanian
- Jane Karas
- Nancy and Walter Kuhn
- Logan Health – Kalispell
- Logan Health – Whitefish
- Logan Health Foundation
- C. K. Logue Scholarship Fund
- Jeannie Luckey
- Joyce and Gilbert Lynch
- Ellen and John MacMillan
- Marsh McLennan Agency – Tyler Wells
- Lois McClaren
- Edward Meier
- Rhona and Jerry Meislik
- Helen and Dean Mitchell
- Montana Community Foundation
- Jacqueline and Tim Montoya
- Northwest Drywall & Roofing Supply, Inc. – Pam and Mike Mower
- I. A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation
- Gwyn and Andrew Palchak
- Park Side Credit Union
- Marylou and Tony Patterson
- Bettina and Steve Patyk
- Marla Paxson
- Teresa and Tom Quinn
- Mitchell Rask
- Louisa Reid
- Darrah and Chris Rogers
- Mary and Alan Ruby
- Joan and Craig Sanford
- Jennifer and Justin Sliter
- Lucy Smith
- Irene and Tom Snyder
- Gerry Souhrada and Ivan O’Neil
- Owen E. Sowerwine Foundation, Inc.
- Margaret and Rod Stell
- Stinson Family Foundation – Lisa and Al Stinson
- Summit Beverage
- Swank Enterprises
- Cooke and Reed Thompson
- The Tracy Foundation – Sherry and Peter Tracy
- Valley Bank
- Victory Real Estate Investments, LLC
- Paul Wachholz
- Katherine and Benjamin Ward
- Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation
- Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund
- Patricia D. McMillan White Scholarship Fund
- Ardyce and Steven Whisler
- Whitefish Community Foundation
- Whitefish Credit Union
- Suzy Williams
- The Windmill Foundation, Inc.
- Two Anonymous Donors
- AGL Foundation
- Kathleen and Lin Akey
- Vivienne and Pete Akey
- Alpine Sprinklers & Landscaping
- Anna and Richard Armstrong
- Jan Arnett
- Bert and Kari Arnlund
- Artists & Craftsmen of the Flathead
- Elizabeth and Roger Barth
- Marilyn and Ed Bartlett
- Lana and Joe Batts
- Beargrass Bistro
- Dr. and Mrs. William W. Beck Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. James L. Bennington
- David Beyer and Janelle Farley-Beyer
- Bigfork Area Chamber of Commerce
- Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts Foundation/Ardi Aiken Memorial Scholarship
- Carol Bibler and Jim Watson
- Laurie and Jim Blasingame
- Suzanne Booker
- Jo and Jim Borowski
- Ema Braunberger
- Bryan Brophy-Baermann
- Charlotte and Keith Brown
- Vicki and Tom Bundy
- Susie and Art Burch
- Dorothy and Luther Campbell
- Jill and William Carlberg
- Kristine and Tom Carlson
- Central Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical – Debbi and Dave Waldenberg
- Mona Charles
- John Chaney
- Jenni and Kyle Chollman
- The Cobb Foundation
- Anne and John Collins
- Columbia Falls Academic Endowment
- Jennifer Cooke
- Carol and Hugh Corn
- Linda and Chris Cornutt
- Sue and Ed Corrigan
- Cindy and Tom Countryman
- Shari Courser
- Karyn and Brenden Craig
- D.A. Davidson and Co.
- Kristen and Sid Daoud
- Deborah and Gregg Davis
- Chris and Mark Delorme
- Dorothy Donahoe
- John Drath
- EducationDynamics, LLC
- Mary and Bill Eisenlohr
- John Emerson
- Carole and Bart Erickson
- Sara and Don Ericksen
- Charlene and Tom Esch
- Bea and Lee Ettinger
- Melissa and Lance Fahrney
- Sherill and Jon Fetveit
- Blayne and Brian Feury
- Michelle and David Fetveit
- First Montana Bank
- Flathead Chapter of the Montana Society of CPA’s
- Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc.
- Flathead Farm Mutual Insurance Co.
- Tracy and Bruce Freeman
- Kathy and Marshall Friedman
- Rhonda Friedman and James Rafferty
- Freedom Bank
- FVCC Campus Farm
- Michael Frost
- Laura and James Garbacz
- John Gates
- Rene and David Gense
- Lauren and Scott Gilbert
- Glacier Dental Group, PC
- Glacier Park Boat Company
- The Glacier Institute
- Glacier Restaurant Group
- GL Solutions – Renee and William Moseley
- God Forgives Foundation, NP
- Adele Goldberg and Dennis Allison
- Nancy Gordley
- Andrea Sliter Goudge and Bill Goudge
- Great Northern Ranch – Sue and Steve Rolfing
- Leslie and Douglas Griffith
- Jean and Jim Hagan
- Annie and Nate Hall
- Suzi and Jack Hanna
- Michele and Loren Hansen
- Douglas Harling
- Kelly Harrington
- Alexis Harrison and Richard Laverty
- Craig and Robin Harrison
- Karin and David Hergesheimer
- Kathy Hicks
- Faith and Dale Hodges
- Marcy and Mark Holston
- Micaleen Holzwarth
- Scott Hooper
- House of S&M
- Jaymie and Jake Hoover
- Heather and Derek Houseworth
- Manda and David Hudak
- Joel Huss
- Mary Huston and A. J. Coulter
- Jennifer Indreland
- J2 Business Products
- JJK Law
- Pam and Mel James
- Linda and Daniel Jenkins
- Patricia and Robert Jepsen
- Ann and Paul Jeremiassen
- Elvira and Greg Johnston
- Jennifer and Mark Johnson
- Vicky Mae and Pat Johnson
- Joe Johnston
- The Kalispell Rotary Club
- Martha Katz and Marshall Kreuter
- Mary and Lee Kaufman
- Natalie and Clay Keller
- Teresa and Tom Kennedy
- Cristie and John Keppeler
- Heather and Jon Knutson
- Tracy and Joe Kola
- Lauren and Joshua Krass
- John Kramer and Jon McBride
- Linda and Dave Kurfess
- Lake McDonald Cabin
- Lil Laidlaw
- Nancy Lamar
- Callie and Mike Langohr
- Denise and John Lang
- Gayle Langford and Pete Hendricks
- Carol and Kurt Larson
- Patrice LaTourelle
- Lois Lauman
- Donna Lawson-Marshall and Kevin Marshall
- Connie and Fred Leistiko
- Deanne and Jim Lehner
- LHC Inc.
- Cindy and Jeff Lewis
- Darla and Tim Lindsey
- Maggie and Al Logan
- Chuck Ludden
- Mary and B. J. Lupton
- Diane Magedman and Pete Hambrick
- Hermine and Richard Makman
- Liz Marchi
- Amy Marmer and John Ataman
- Connie Marmet-Baldwin
- Masterpiece Design Center & Outlet
- Stephen Milheim
- Wai Mizutani
- Julie Moffitt and Jim Strainer
- Mary Alice and Michael Moffitt
- Randy and James Mohn
- Gerald Molen
- Montana Legends Memorial Run for the Vets
- Montana State University Foundation
- Montana Trolley Company
- Carol and Karl Moody
- Mountain Valley Foods
- Patsi Morton
- Aaron Mower
- Mary Pat Murphy
- Eric Myers
- Allie and Austin Neese
- Barbara and Doug Nelson
- Carol and Pete Nelson
- Nancy and Jim Nelson
- Judy Nesbitt
- Phil Neuharth
- Nuwest Builders
- Laurie and William O’Leary
- Nancy O’Kelly
- Jim and Mary Lee Oliverson
- Patricia Ormiston
- Dr. TC and Claudine Origitano
- Andrea and Jack Palmer
- Kathy and Mark Panicek
- Laurie and Robert Pariseau
- Kathy and Ron Paul
- PEO Chapter AB
- Members of PEO Chapter BM
- Chapter BR PEO of Whitefish
- Chapter C PEO Friends of FVCC
- Karen Perser and Sydney Lillard
- Ann and Tom Perry
- Melisa and John Phelps
- Pioneer Heating & Cooling
- Cynthia and Richard Pokorny
- Tim Price
- Michele Purcell
- Beverly and Joe Raudabaugh
- Linda and Chuck Ream
- Rebecca Farm
- Kelly Redfield and Dan Zlogar
- The Regev Family
- Cheryl and Dave Reynolds
- Laura Reynolds and Walter Rowntree
- Sue and Hank Ricklefs
- Chris Ridder and Susan Moffitt
- Robert Peccia & Associates
- Tia Robin and Dan Wilson
- Gunda and Warren Roach
- Char Rygg
- Nicole Sanford
- Carol and John Santa
- Paula and Robert Sandman
- Cheryl Sanderson
- Amanda and Peter Savage
- Noelle and Graham Savage
- Schellinger Construction Co.
- Elizabeth Schilling
- Eric Schmidt
- Shannon and Mike Schardt
- Lisa and Tim Schnee
- Sue and Bill Schottelkorb
- Duncan Scott
- Jane and Steve Sekelsky
- Janna and Jamie Shennan
- Sheremeta Photography
- Timothy Shay
- Margie and Larry Simpson
- Sandy Slater
- Nikki and Everit Sliter
- Kirsten and Michael Smith
- Somers Company Town Project – Historical Society & Museum
- Soroptimists of Whitefish
- State Farm Companies Foundation
- Susan and Jay Stadler
- Dani and Thad Steele
- Rob Stevens
- Ellie Stimpson
- Kelly and Kim Stimpson
- Stephanie Stimpson and David Thomas
- Stockman Bank
- Vicki and Robert Stratton
- Nicole and Jacob Stramba
- Jacquelyn Stroth
- Ed Sullivan
- Sunriser Lions Club
- Paula and Tom Symmes
- Tamarack Foundation – Marie and Mike Shaw
- Three Rivers Bank
- Patricia and Howard Tice
- Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Tjaden
- Tara and Mike Todd
- Sylvia and John Trundle
- Sandy and Bruce Tutvedt
- US Bank
- Heidi Ulbricht and Brad Wright
- Colleen and Joe Unterreiner
- Mary Van Buskirk and Roger Barber
- Laura and Jason VanDeKop
- Victorian Casino
- Carrie and Tagen Vine
- Teryn and Matt Waldenberg
- Kyle Waterman and Steve Hunnell
- Terry and Sally Welder
- Paulette and Mark Welch
- Mary and Tim Wells
- Tyler Wells
- Wheaton’s
- Whitefish Mountain Resort
- Mrs. Willard L. Wheeler
- Bonnie and John Whitehouse
- Pat and R. Dennis Winkel
- Jean Wix
- Ruth Wright
- Alison Young
- Arina Yuzhakova
- Kim and Gene Zipp
- Ardi Aiken Memorial/Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts Foundation
- Mitchell Lester Anderson Memorial
- Area High School Theatre
- Barce Family
- Vivian Beardslee Memorial
- Peggy Casey Theatre
- Cawdrey Family Fine Arts
- Class of ’61, Inc.
- Cobb Foundation
- Cobb Foundation Nursing
- Complete Restoration Emergency Services
- Chuck and Renn Corrigan Scholarship Fund
- Andrew Crawford Accelerator Scholarship
- Create It Forward – Artists & Craftsmen of the Flathead
- Culinary Institute of Montana
- Steve and Sue Cummings
- Eagle Scholarship
- Joanne E. Eaves Memorial Scholarship for Culinary Arts
- Express Employment Professionals
- Flathead Chapter of the Montana Society of CPAs
- Flathead Farm Mutual Insurance Co.
- FVCC Campus Farm Scholarship
- FVCC Foundation Achievement
- FVCC Foundation Inspiration
- FVCC Foundation Montana American Indian Scholar
- FVCC Foundation Occupational Trades
- FVCC Foundation Running Start
- FVCC Foundation Study Abroad
- FVCC Foundation Summer
- FVCC Foundation Transformation
- FVCC Merit Award
- FVCC Music Department
- FVCC Vocational Agriculture
- FVCC/LCC Employee Sponsored
- Friendship House
- Summit Beverage, Inc.
- Gianforte Family Foundation
- Glacier Restaurant Group R.I.S.E.
- Gene Haas Foundation
- Linda M. Hammerberg Memorial
- Kathy and Marvin Hansen Scholarship Fund
- David Haymond and Barbara Jefts Scholarship Fund
- Jean Houseworth Memorial Art
- Iliff and Schauer Memorial
- Melody Hawkey Johnson Culinary Program Scholarship
- Kalispell Daybreak Rotary
- Kalispell Lions Club
- Walter Kuhn, Sr. Memorial
- La Serenissima
- Dale Lauman Memorial Scholarship
- Ruth S. and James B. Lendrum Memorial Scholarship
- T & D Lindsey
- Joyce and Gilbert Lynch Culinary Arts Scholarship
- Mary Ann Lund Nursing
- Math Excellence Award
- Wallace E. McCulloch Memorial
- Siri McWhorter Memorial
- Montana Legends Memorial Run for the Vets
- Montana’s Future Manufacturing Workforce
- Gary Morris Musical Theatre
- Garrett Mulholand Memorial Scholarship
- North Star Fund Nursing
- Nyeste-Regling-Whitehouse Family
- O’Neil/Truckner Single Parent
- PEO Chapter AB
- Members of PEO Chapter BM
- PEO Chapter BR
- PEO Chapter C Friends of FVCC
- Sally Porcarelli Soroptimist Education Scholarship Fund
- Bob Rhea Memorial Theatre
- Keith and Annie Robinson
- Rotary Club of Kalispell Daybreak
- Philip J. Rygg Memorial
- Sargent di Venezia
- Sunriser Lions Club for Running Start Students
- Tracy Foundation Honoring Mike Mansfield
- Sarah Garrison Truman Single Parent
- Cindy Viano Memorial Fund
- Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation
- Wilke-Brooner Elementary Education
- Patricia D. McMillan White
- Whitefish Credit Union
- Whitefish Rotary Club