Whether you are transferring to FVCC or earning FVCC credits to transfer elsewhere, we’re here to help you succeed.
Start at FVCC and go anywhere.
Whether you want to stay in Montana or go out of state, we guide you through the transfer process. Let us help connect you with the best campus resources and advisors at your next institution.
Transfer agreements (also known as articulation agreements) help ensure that students won’t have to retake successfully completed courses or earn additional credits in order to transfer to a four-year school as a junior in a specific program. FVCC has partnered with several institutions to create guaranteed transfer agreements in a variety of programs.
These agreements specify which lower-division courses students must complete at FVCC before transferring to the specified four-year institution.
Choose from more than 400+ course-by-course major maps that lead to on-ground and online ASU bachelor’s degrees.
By picking a major and identifying Flathead Valley Community College, MyPath2ASU helps to identify what courses to take at FVCC for your ASU major. Save time and money, and minimize loss of credit during your transfer journey.
Have completed college coursework at an institutionally accredited institution
Transcripts should be submitted at least 30 days before the semester begins. Credits will be evaluated by the Admissions and Registration Office and accepted according to current scholastic standards. The evaluation will be posted on your Student Portal.
Learn about the transfer appeal process, military credits, AP/IB credits, and more details about transferring to FVCC in College Regulations.