High School Equivalency

Congratulations on taking the next step forward in your career and education by completing your High School Equivalency Test!

FVCC offers both HiSET and GED testing for students to earn a high school equivalency diploma from the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

Montana residents 19 years or older may register for tests at hiset.org or ged.com. Montana residents age 16 to 18 must contact us for paperwork requirements prior to registering for testing.

HSE Preparation

The Adult Education Program offers prep courses year-round to help build the skills needed to be successful on all HiSET and GED subject tests: reading, writing, science, social studies, and math.

The class covers academic skills as well as career exploration and goal setting in order to support students moving from HSE completion into college and the workforce. Classes are offered in Kalispell and Libby, with testing support options available for students in Lake or Sanders counties.

To be eligible to take the HiSET or GED, students must be 16 years of age or older, complete paperwork requirements and have officially withdrawn from high school. Pre-registration for class is required.

How to Start

  1. Email adulted@fvcc.edu or call 406.756.3884 for information, paperwork requirements and to register for class.
  2. Attend orientation and take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) before class starts (pre-registration required).
  3. Start your class session.

Connect with us at AdultEd@fvcc.edu for more information.