GlowForge Workshop

FVCC Makerspace

Learn how to safely operate the GlowForge and create a project of your own! No materials are required, click here to register.

Archiving Workshop: Scanning Saturdays

Broussard Library

Bring your own photos and negatives that you would like scanned and receive help using the FVCC Library's Epson Perfection scanner. Only materials needed will be a 32GB or more flashdrive and the media to be scanned! Click here to sign up for a time slot.


Research Skills Workshop

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Let's talk research skills! Join a research skills workshop and learn how to navigate FVCC Library resources, research tips and research strategies. Bring your own research topic and we can talk through it together. No registration required, open to all FVCC students.


Research Skills Workshop

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Let's talk research skills! Join a research skills workshop and learn how to navigate FVCC Library resources, research tips and research strategies. Bring your own research topic and we can talk through it together. No registration required, open to all FVCC students.