
Genders & Sexualities Weekly Meetings

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

GSA Weekly Meetings will host a range of activities, games, discussions, and more. Everyone is welcome!   Questions? Email:


Student Government Meetings

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

The Associated Students of Flathead Valley Community College, or Student Government, meets every Wednesday. All students are welcome to attend meetings and are encouraged to voice concerns, suggestions, or requests to Student Government.


Warhammer Wednesdays

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

Warhammer Wednesdays meets in the Student Lounge in the LRC every Wednesday at 2:00 pm. All students who are interested in playing Warhammer or learning how to play are welcome!


Chess N Games Club: Game Night

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

Come and play some stress-free games with us in the Student Lounge. We play a different game each Wednesday! Snacks and drinks provided.


Chess N Games Club: Meeting

Eagle's Nest, Blake Hall

Chess N’ Games club meets on Thursdays in the Eagless Nest at noon in the student lounge. Not into meetings? We have game nights as well! Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 pm in the student lounge!