Voctave – It Feels Like Christmas

McClaren Hall, Wachholz College Center

Voctave’s 11-member vocal ensemble brings their holiday spectacular It Feels Like Christmas to the Flathead Valley! It Feels Like Christmas includes a stocking full of holiday favorites from their chart-topping album and is sure to be a magical evening of music for the whole family. Jazz Weekly raves “Voctave brings a cappella music to a […]


Apply to the Honors Program by Nov. 15 for first consideration

FVCC's Honors Program offers challenging, cross-disciplinary courses that combine high-level instruction with engaged peers and stimulating coursework. Timeline: Apply by November 15 for first consideration Applications are accepted on a rolling basis onward. Visit fvcc.edu/honors to apply and for more information! Requirements: Enroll at FVCC as a full-time student (12+ credits) in an Associate of […]


Chess N Games Club: Meeting

Eagle's Nest, Blake Hall

Chess N’ Games club meets on Thursdays in the Eagless Nest at noon in the student lounge. Not into meetings? We have game nights as well! Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 pm in the student lounge!    


PTK Weekly Meeting

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

Please stop by to learn more about PTK, help plan PTK's projects and events and enjoy some snacks.


TTRPG Club Meeting

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

The TTRPG club meeting meets every Thursday at 2:00 pm in the LRC meeting Room. This club is for all students interested in table top or role-playing games. All gaming levels are welcome!