How To: Zotero

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Drop in for a quick tutorial on Zotero, a free citation manager that can help you stay organized while you find research for your different classes.

Gaming with Campus Rec: FIFA Tournament

Learning Resource Center, LRC 102 - Student Lounge

The UCL Round of 16 is heating up! On March 7, from 6-7pm in the Student Lounge, Student Engagement & Campus Rec will host a FIFA video game tournament to […]

Community Lecture Series: Safe & Effective Pile Burning

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

Discuss disposal of forest debris resulting from fuels reduction, forest management projects, or simple yard clean up. Become more familiar with how and where to construct, and how to safely […]

Brett Dennen: 7th Annual Lift Series

Wachholz College Center

The Wachholz College Center is pleased to present Brett Dennen's 7th Annual Lift Series in the Flathead Valley. Opening the show for Brett will be the Flathead's own, Mike Murray. Don't […]

STEM Colloquium: REU Panel

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Join us at noon on Friday, March 8 for a STEM Colloquium panel discussion on the National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.