Employers Sought for Job and Opportunity Fair
Local employers are invited to register to participate in the Northwest Montana Job & Opportunity Fair on Thursday, April 11.
The fair is made possible through a partnership between Flathead Valley Community College, Kalispell School District 5, Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Flathead, Job Service Kalispell and the Daily Inter Lake.
The fair is an opportunity for local employers to engage with the future and current workforce. Each employer who chooses to participate will have the opportunity to be a part of two focused components:
The Career Exploration Fair runs from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. focusing on high school and college students. This special morning time slot highlights local employers and career possibilities to over 800 high school and college students. Previously held at Glacier and Flathead high schools, it is an occupational experience for all Kalispell School District 5 juniors and students across the valley to have the opportunity to speak with employers and learn about local professions.
During the job fair from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. the focus is on those in the community seeking jobs.
Employers and businesses of any size and industry are encouraged to participate in this year’s job and opportunity fair. To register, visit http://tinyurl.com/yd9fkup8.
For more information about registering as an employer for the Northwest Montana Job & Opportunity Fair, contact Sunny Carlon at scarlon@dailyinterlake.com or 406-758-4465.