
Education: Elementary K-8 Transfer to The University of Montana – Missoula

The following 2 + 2 program of study is established to prepare students for acceptance into the UM Elementary Education program with junior standing. Students who complete the following program of study at FVCC will be prepared to apply for acceptance into the Teacher Education Program at UM. Students may transfer to the UM Missoula campus to complete the Bachelor’s degree or complete it through the UM Distance Learning Cohort based at FVCC. A new cohort of distance learning students begins each fall on the FVCC campus for students who have completed FVCC’s program of study and have been accepted into the University of Montana and the Teacher Education program. See your FVCC advisor for more information.

Suggested course of study for a transfer to The University of Montana – Missoula


First Year


Fall Semester


First Semester Total: 17


Spring Semester


Second Semester Total: 17


First Year Total: 34


Second Year


Fall Semester


First Semester Total: 15**


Spring Semester


Second Semester Total: 16**


Second Year Total: 31


Total AA Credits: 65


1 Students who plan to transfer to UM-Missoula may alternatively take EDU 360 at UM for 1 credit. Students planning to enroll in the FVCC Distance Learning cohort should take HEE 233 at FVCC.

*Indicates prerequisite and/or corequisite needed. Check course description.

** Students must apply to the School of Education during their final semester at FVCC: September 15 when finishing fall semester and February 15 when finishing spring semester.

The information on all transfer programs is subject to change. Students should see their advisor to explore other possibilities not specifically listed in the program.




General Education Courses

Click below to see General Education course options: General Education Requirements


Upper Division Courses to Complete through UM-Missoula

Upon completing the first two years of study and earning an AA degree from FVCC, students will apply for acceptance into UM-Missoula’s College of Education and Human Sciences and complete the following courses to finish the Bachelor of Arts degree:

NOTE: Courses for each level are co-requisites; they must be taken concurrently. All courses in one level must be successfully completed prior to moving into the next level.

Level 1 Learning and Instruction
EDU 222 Educational Psychology and Child Development 3 credits
EDU 338 Academic Interventions 3 credits
EDU 395 Clinical Experience: Level 1 1 credits
EDU 397 Methods: PK-4: Early Numeracy 3 credits
EDU 397 Methods: PK-3: Early Literacy 3 credits
Level 2: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
EDU 339 Methods: PK-8 Language Arts 3 credits
EDU 346 Exceptionalities 3 credits
EDU 370 Integrating Technology into Education 3 credits
EDU 395 Clinical Experience: Level 2 1 credit
EDU 407 Ethics and Policy Issues 3 credit
ENST 472 General Science: Conservation Education 3 credits
Level 3: Pedagogy and Content Knowledge
EDU 340 Classroom Management 3 credits
EDU 451 Clinical Experience: Level 3 1 credit
EDU 497 Methods: Teaching and Assessing 5-8 Mathematics 3 credits
EDU 497 Methods: Teaching and Assessing K-8 Social Studies 3 credits
EDU 497 Methods: Teaching and Assessing K-8 Science 3 credits
EDU 497 Methods: Teaching and Assessing K-8 Reading 3 credits
Level 4 Student Teaching
EDU 494 Reflective Practice and Applied Research 1 credit
EDU 495 Student Teaching K-8 14 credits