
Goldsmithing and 3D Jewelry Design, AAS

The Goldsmithing and 3D Jewelry Design program prepares students for careers as independent studio artists, designers, and studio technicians within the jewelry industry. Students will become proficient in computer modeling, fabrication, casting, stone setting, forming, repair, and design.

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to

  • Fabricate jewelry;
  • Design and produce jewelry using CAD/CAM;
  • Cast jewelry in various forms;
  • Utilize a variety of stone setting techniques;
  • Perform a variety of surface treatments;
  • Forge and form unique components using both anticlastic and synclastic forming techniques;
  • Use a hydraulic press and die making for forming;
  • Perform basic jewelry repair; and
  • Exhibit a professional jewelry portfolio representing various aspects of the jewelry industry.


First Year


Fall Semester


First Semester Total: 17


Spring Semester


Second Semester Total: 16


CAS Total Credits: 33**


RIndicates Related Instruction requirement.
*Indicates prerequisite and/or corequisite needed. Check course description.
**Upon completion of the CAS program, students may choose to continue on to earn a Goldsmithing and 3D Jewelry Design, AAS degree.

Second Year


Fall Semester


First Semester Total: 16


Spring Semester


Second Semester Total: 14


AAS Total Credits: 63


RIndicates a Related Instruction requirement.
*Indicates prerequisite and/or corequisite needed. Check course description.

Recommended Course Offering

Students receiving financial aid or veteran’s benefits should check with the Financial Aid Office before registering for recommended courses.