Dean of Students

Every student deserves a positive educational experience. The Dean of Students is here to ensure that your experience at FVCC is positive and to address any issues that may arise.

The Dean of Students is a primary resource for connecting students who are navigating personal, academic or other situations to supportive campus and community resources. The Dean of Students will discuss the situation with you and provide guidance on available options.

All reports made to the Dean of Students will be taken seriously and information will be provided to the proper office for review.

As members of the campus community, it is your choice whether to report an incident. The Dean of Students will support you during this process by providing information, support and advocacy.

Copies of the Code of Student Conduct, Student Conduct Procedures, Student Complaint Procedures, and Student Complaint Form may be obtained from the Dean of Students or online in the Board Policies section.

Policies and Procedures

Reporting Forms

Student Complaint
Students use this to initiate a formal complaint per the Student Complaint Procedures (view below).
CARE Referral
This form is to be used by anyone to share information about a student of concern. The CARE Team provides support.
Academic Misconduct Report
Faculty and others use this form to report a Student Academic Misconduct (integrity) concern.
Report an Incident
This form is to be used by students, staff, and faculty to report alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Faculty, staff and students use this form to report incidents involving discrimination and/or sexual misconduct.


Contact the Dean of Students for support and consultation via phone, email and appointments between 8:30am-4pm Monday-Friday.

The Dean of Students may communicate with students through a communication system called Maxient.  If you receive a notification that you have a Maxient letter for pickup, please ensure you read that communication promptly.

Reach the Dean of Students at or (406) 756-3812