Middle School Choral Festival

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

The FVCC Music Deparment presents the Middle School Choral Festival, featuring Montana middle school choirs. FVCC Music Department concerts are free and open to the public. For other community concerts that feature FVCC students and faculty, visit Glacier Symphony and the Flathead Community Band.

Sex Signals

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

Join us in this interactive get-together and learn more about how cultural messaging impacts gender, sexuality, sexual health, and intimate relationships. The first twenty people who come will receive a free ice cream gift card.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

Save a life, give your blood! Sign up by visiting redcrossblood.org & searching for code "ATB" or email wjeschke@fvcc.edu to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.

Concert Series: Violoncelle à la Francophone

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

Join the FVCC Music Department Concert Series for Violoncelle à la Francophone, featuring music for cello and piano by French-speaking composers. Performed by Adam Collins (cello) and Brian Locke (piano) from the University of Montana.

New Student Orientation

Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

Attend early from 3-4pm for a brief tour to locate your classes and helpful resources. At the main session from 4-5pm, learn in depth-information about helpful resources by connecting with valuable campus partners, departments and offices. At 5pm, enjoy a BBQ dinner on the Arts & Technology Building lawn! Registration is encouraged but not required, […]