STEM Colloquium: Inadvertent Hatchery Rainbow Trout Discovered in Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat – A Cautionary Tale

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Presented by Sam Bourret, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Fish biologist Sam Bourret has been coined "the fish detective" from his work to conserve Montana’s lake and river native fish species populations. Hailing from Connecticut, Sam worked his way west and is now pioneering research to help determine and mitigate illegally introduced fish.

Prepping For Peace Corps

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Interested in applying for the Peace Corps? Meet a returned Peace Corps Volunteer and learn about the requirements, logistics, and hear about their experience.

Create Your Resiliency Plan

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Have you ever wondered what makes a person resilient? A big factor is knowing what helps and having a plan when you need it! Join us to build your own resiliency plan that can help you manage life's stressors and get you through challenging moments.

Expressive Art

Broussard Library Classrooms, BL214/215

Join us for creative connection while we experiment with lines and shapes to create relaxing Zentangles.